forum arkiv 2010-2022

Pictures Odense museum 1973 (Generelt)

af Johannes, 19/5 2017, 00:39 (2532 dage siden)

I have the pleasure to present you another bunch of pictures the father of Jim the Canadian took in June 1973 in the Odense museum.

Thanks to the lists on this site I think I could identify the coaches - many thanks !
Have you further information about these cars - are they still at Odense museum ?

Pic 1
Is it the plate of the second coach in pic 3 ?

pic 2
DSB saloon coach S 8

DSB BJ 665 II./III.kl + saloon coach SA 1

pic 4
DSB CO 10498 III.kl


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  • Pictures Odense museum 1973 - Johannes, 19/5 2017, 00:39 [*]

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