forum arkiv 2010-2022

BTK-route (Generelt)

af dr42 ⌂, 31/10 2017, 17:12 (2363 dage siden)


'However, even if Russia’s sanctions against the transport of EU agricultural products are eventually dropped it probably wouldn’t mean the decline of the southern corridor, as a diversity of routes is ultimately what gives the New Silk Road its versatility and strength. Like in the days of the ancient Silk Road, if one corridor goes down due to an uncooperative government, war, natural disaster, or some other economic upheaval, cargo can simply be rerouted via alternative routes — trouble spots and bottlenecks can be sidestepped and healthy competition between corridors can be established to keep transport costs low and the goods flowing, like a river around a boulder.'

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Tja. Mon det sidste ord er talt om Ruslands monopol-sporvidde?

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