forum arkiv 2010-2022

MZ 1438 hårdt skadet! (Generelt)

af TLJ, 20/12 2011, 17:07 (4522 dage siden) @ Jens MO-Møller

"We where running around our train 5168 on 2 arrival when the locos decided they didn't want to stop. Slammed into the back of it. I was in the front of 1438. Had to crawl out the side window to escape. Loco took all the force of impact. Thought the wagons would of been damaged but they tell me they are fine. The boxes didn't fair so good, the contents (grain and chick pea) moved back buckling the end doors and panels.

MZ's don't brake at the best of times, the more u have together the worse it is. As i said the loggers will tell the story."

Ingen bremser og minimum 2 x 125 tons lyder som en skidt blandning :) Men det lyder som om det var 5. stk -> "had 5 MZ's together"

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